Flashback Friday – The 2019 Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders Final Auditions


In this edition of Flashback Friday, we take a look back at this year’s Los Angeles Rams Cheerleaders Final Auditions.  Since they have relocated to Los Angeles, the Rams have quickly captured the attention of prospective cheerleaders in Southern California, regularly drawing hundreds of dancers to their auditions.  And as far as I am concerned, the Rams have done a wonderful job in selecting their cheerleading squads and why not since they have the cream of the crop of dancers to choose from.

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Flashback Friday – The 2015 St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders Auditions

STL 2015 280

In this edition of Flashback Friday, we take a look back to the 2015 St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders final auditions.  These auditions were enjoyable to be a part of because they were a very entertaining affair and the girls trying out were quite striking.  Of course, this was before the MeToo movement emerged and led to a version political correctness that made pageant style final auditions a bit passe.

A shame, really.

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Flashback Friday – Los Angeles Raiderette Gretchen Stockdale


In this edition of Flashback Friday, we take a look back at the early 1990’s and the Los Angeles Raiderettes.  This is an old image from the days when I used to shoot film with a manual focus Canon F-1.  I scanned this image from a negative on a Nikon film scanner, so the image sharpness is not that good, but for the time…not too bad.

This photo is of Gretchen Stockdale, who was one of the most popular Raiderettes of her day.  She was certainly one of mine.  And if I recall correctly, she used to cheer for the St. Louis Cardinals…yes, the Arizona Cardinals used to be from St. Louis before relocating to Phoenix, Arizona.  She subsequently moved to Los Angeles and became a six year member of the Raiderettes.

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Flashback Friday – Charger Girl Shelby C.


Here’s a golden oldie for you. I took this shot so long ago, I cannot remember when I took it…I think it was in the mid 90’s and it was with my old venerable Canon EOS 1.  I had the slide scanned for posterity and that is why it is a bit grainy.  Don’t let the copyright date fool you…that was added in 2009 when I ran this photo for another featured article.

If I recall correctly, I took this photo prior to my being a San Diego Chargers season ticket holder.  I was so enamored of the lovely Shelby C. that I soon became a season ticket holder and started my long association photographing the Charger Girls.  Prior that, I was a Raiders season ticket holder, but they decided to relocate back to Oakland and that was that.

So I hope you enjoyed this look back to the mid 90’s and the San Diego Charger Girls.

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Flashback Friday – Charger Girl Ashley B.


I think this may have been one of my first digital photographs and if memory serves correctly, this was originally taken on 2004. Even though the copyright says 2010, which was a re-posting of this image for another article, it was taken with my first digital camera, the venerable Canon EOS 1D.

This was a photo of Ashley B., who was, as I recall, one of the most popular Charger Girls of her era. She was certainly one of my favorite Charger Girls of that era and just lovely to photograph. Check out those old school uniforms. That must have been interesting to wear on a hot day. The following year, they would adopt new uniforms, which remain to this day with some minor color changes to the trim.

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Flashback Friday – Charger Girl Jennifer O.


With all the changes in professional cheerleading that are happening today, it really makes me long for those bygone days of the past, where things were more clear and simpler. So in this edition of Flashback Friday, we take a look back to 2008 when the Chargers were still in San Diego and professional cheerleading wasn’t a hot button issue.

Take a good look at one of the most popular Charger Girls to have ever graced the sidelines…Jennifer O. She and her sister Lauren, another beloved Charger Girl, were originally from Northern California, but both relocated to San Diego. Jennifer would later go on to cheer for the San Francisco 49ers, but I will always remember her as a Charger Girl.

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2019 P-R-O Convention All Star: Charlotte Honey Bee Farin

I had a wonderful time in Atlanta covering the 2019 P-R-O Convention.  This is my biggest event to cover and yields weeks worth of content for our readers.  And I am fortunate to meet so many beautiful and talented dancers and to be able to introduce them to our readers.

However, all good things come to an end…at least for this year…and we have reached the end of our coverage with our final 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star.  I think it is appropriate that we end with one of my favorite squads to cover, the Charlotte Honey Bees.  They have the most amazing dancers and they are always so accommodating in posing for these features.

So without further ado, let me introduce you to one of those special Charlotte Honey Bees…Farin, our final 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star.
















Well, that’s all folks!  We have come to the end of our coverage of the 2019 P-R-O Convention.  It was another great convention and my thanks to all those amazing cheerleaders and dancers who were in attendance.  I can’t wait to see what is in store for next year and I hope to feature some more amazing dancers for our readers.

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2019 P-R-O Convention All Star: Carolina Panthers TopCats Cheerleader Kayla

One of the most pleasant surprises of this year’s P-R-O Convention was appearance of the Carolina Panthers TopCats.  They sent five representatives to this year’s event and they were a breath of fresh air.  Resplendent in their game day uniforms, the TopCats left a lasting impression and I made it priority to photograph as many of them as I could for this series. 

So without further ado, introducing our newest 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star, Carolina Panthers TopCats cheerleader Kayla.
















We are down to our final 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star, so check tomorrow to see is our special lady.

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2019 P-R-O Convention All Star: Cincinnati Ben-Gals Cheerleader Abby

We have another amazing dancer to showcase for you and she was one of a number of dancers who left a lasting impression.  That shouldn’t be surprising since most professional cheerleaders and dancers that are selected for their teams do so because they shine in their own special way.  At least that is what I have seen at auditions.  Anyways, I digress.

Introducing Cincinnati BenGal Abby, our next 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star.
















Only a couple more cheerleaders to feature, so check back tomorrow to see who is our next 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star.

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2019 P-R-O Convention All Star: Charlotte CheckMate Holly

It seems to me that the Charlotte CheckMates are, in some sense, a feeder program to the Charlotte Honey Bees.  I have noticed over the years that several CheckMates ultimately end up on the Charlote Honey Bees and that shouldn’t be surprising since they are both coached by Brandii McCoy.  And let me say that I am a big fan of what she has done with both squads.  The CheckMates and Honey Bees are among my favorite squads to photograph at P-R-O…for obvious reason.

Our next 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star is a member of the Charlotte CheckMates and another one of those “Carolina girls” that stood out at the convention…introducing Charlotte CheckMate Holly, our newest 2019 P-R-O Convention All Star.












Our parade of P-R-O Convention All Stars is nearing and end, but we still have a few more dancers to feature, so check tomorrow to see who is next.

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